

Since our company was founded in 1892, it has been our aim to provide our customers and commercial partners with top-quality products that meet the highest standards of safety. The way we see it, quality also includes reliability and maintaining a good working relationship with our customers and suppliers.


Quality is important to us, and we ensure that our products meet the very high standards required and expected by both consumers and our commercial partners. Our products are regularly awarded the DLG Gold distinction, and our quality standards go above and beyond those required by law. Our entire production chain fulfils these high standards – from the selection of raw materials to our hygiene standards and production technologies all the way through to the careful analysis of the end products in our laboratories.


We meet our customers’ high requirements by regularly undergoing comprehensive certification in accordance with IFS, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001 and EMAS III standards. In all our processes, we work in accordance with the HACCP systematic risk assessment method.


The implementation of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in 1996 marks a huge efficiency milestone for us. At Edelweiss, TPM is integrated into every part of the company with the aim of avoiding all kinds of losses through continuous improvement. However, TPM at Edelweiss represents more than just the reduction of losses: it’s the starting point for sustainable development and a model for integrated business operations. Every day, our employees develop both large and small solutions that drive us forward step by step. We want to continuously improve in everything we do.

Edelweiss was one of the first milk-processing companies to receive a TPM Excellence Award from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. In 2006, we even received the Advanced Special Award for TPM Achievement to recognise our implementation of the complete TPM system – an honour rarely accorded to companies outside of Japan.

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